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Welcome to ESO Housing, on this website you will find everything related to the housing system in Elder Scrolls Online. With the housing system in ESO you can own multiple homes and decorate them alone or with your friends. There are multiple ways to acquire items that you can use in your home, for example buying items at the achievement vendor or acquiring items through completing achievements. The ESO Housing system offers so many possibilities, you will always have something to decorate!


Featured Articles

In this section of ESO Housing you will find articles that help you complete certain achievements to acquire items that you can place in your home.

Pieces of History Achievement Guide

Pieces of History Achievement Guide

Welcome to the “Pieces of History” Achievement Guide for the Elder Scrolls Online. For the Pieces of History Achievement, you have to find several pieces of an ancient Khajiiti tapestry and bring them back to the Senchal Palace, next to Senchal wayshrine. By bringing pieces back, you will be rewarded with an exact replica of the tapestry for your own house, as well as 50 Achievement points. To access and complete the Pieces of History Achievement you need to own the Dragonhold DLC or to have ESO+ active.

Mural Mender Achievement Guide

Mural Mender Achievement Guide

Welcome to the “Mural Mender” Achievement Guide for the Elsweyr Chapter. For this Achievement, you have to find several fragments of an ancient Khajiiti mural and bring them back to the “House of Histories” in the city of Riverhold. By doing so, you will be rewarded with an exact replica of the said mural for your own house, as well as 50 Achievement points.

Ancestral Tombs Hunter Achievement Guide

Ancestral Tombs Hunter Achievement Guide

There is a total of 30 tomb stones in Morrowind. Once you gave all the 30 rubbings to the Librarian, he will give you a new quest and send you to the Lost Library of Andule. You will get the “Librarian” title, once you complete the second quest you will also get the Vardenfell Scale Model for your House!

Featured items

Here you can find a selection of featured housing items for Elder Scrolls Online. If you click on the housing item it will bring you the the main page of the selected housing item.

Colovian Lantern, Table

Colovian Lantern, Table

Category Lanterns
This is a small house item.
Interactable, Light

Ayleid Column, Tall

Ayleid Column, Tall

Category Posts and Pillars
This is a large house item.

Vampiric Bookcase, Tall

Vampiric Bookcase, Tall

Category Shelves
This is a standard house item.

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