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Furniture in category Structures

Name Category Craftable
Alinor Archway, Tall Alinor Archway, Tall Doorways > Structures Yes
Alinor Archway, Timeworn Alinor Archway, Timeworn Doorways > Structures Yes
Alinor Column, Heavy Timeworn Alinor Column, Heavy Timeworn Building Components > Structures Yes
Alinor Column, Slender Timeworn Alinor Column, Slender Timeworn Building Components > Structures Yes
Alinor Column, Timeworn Alinor Column, Timeworn Building Components > Structures Yes
Alinor Door, Half Alinor Door, Half Doorways > Structures No
Alinor Fence, Tall Alinor Fence, Tall Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Fence, Tall Long Alinor Fence, Tall Long Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Fireplace, Ornate Alinor Fireplace, Ornate Building Components > Structures Yes
Alinor Floor, Ballroom Timeworn Alinor Floor, Ballroom Timeworn Platforms > Structures Yes
Alinor Greenhouse, Summer Alinor Greenhouse, Summer Buildings > Structures No
Alinor Pergola, Blue Wisteria Peaked Alinor Pergola, Blue Wisteria Peaked Buildings > Structures No
Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria Buildings > Structures No
Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria Overhang Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria Overhang Buildings > Structures No
Alinor Post, Stone Wall Alinor Post, Stone Wall Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Post, Tall Fence Alinor Post, Tall Fence Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Stairway, Timeworn Alinor Stairway, Timeworn Building Components > Structures Yes
Alinor Stairway, Timeworn Wide Alinor Stairway, Timeworn Wide Building Components > Structures Yes
Alinor Wall, Stone Alinor Wall, Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Wall, Stone Corner Alinor Wall, Stone Corner Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Wall, Stone Long Alinor Wall, Stone Long Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Alinor Windmill, Decorative Alinor Windmill, Decorative Buildings > Structures No
Altmer Stable, Summerset Altmer Stable, Summerset Buildings > Structures No
Ancient Nord Gate Ancient Nord Gate Doorways > Structures No
Apocrypha Alcove, Book Stacks Apocrypha Alcove, Book Stacks Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Alcove, Stone Apocrypha Alcove, Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Arch, Book Stacks Apocrypha Arch, Book Stacks Doorways > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Archway, Book Stacks Apocrypha Archway, Book Stacks Doorways > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Bridge, Large Curling Apocrypha Bridge, Large Curling Building Components > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Bridge, Small Apocrypha Bridge, Small Building Components > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Bridge, Small Curling Apocrypha Bridge, Small Curling Building Components > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Door, Stone Apocrypha Door, Stone Doorways > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Doorway, Book Stacks Apocrypha Doorway, Book Stacks Doorways > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Doorway, Stone Apocrypha Doorway, Stone Doorways > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Fence, Curved Stone Apocrypha Fence, Curved Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Fence, Large Curved Stone Apocrypha Fence, Large Curved Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Fence, Large Stone Apocrypha Fence, Large Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Fence, Stone Apocrypha Fence, Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Pipe, Large Curved Apocrypha Pipe, Large Curved Building Components > Structures No
Apocrypha Pipe, Medium Apocrypha Pipe, Medium Building Components > Structures No
Apocrypha Pipe, Small Apocrypha Pipe, Small Building Components > Structures No
Apocrypha Pipe, Small Curved Apocrypha Pipe, Small Curved Building Components > Structures No
Apocrypha Platform, Green Lattice Tile Apocrypha Platform, Green Lattice Tile Platforms > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Platform, Inset Center Tile Apocrypha Platform, Inset Center Tile Platforms > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Platform, Large Apocrypha Platform, Large Platforms > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Platform, Lattice Corner Tile Apocrypha Platform, Lattice Corner Tile Platforms > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Platform, Lattice Tile Apocrypha Platform, Lattice Tile Platforms > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Platform, Small Apocrypha Platform, Small Platforms > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Stairway, Stone Apocrypha Stairway, Stone Building Components > Structures Yes
Apocrypha Wall, Book Stacks Apocrypha Wall, Book Stacks Walls and Fences > Structures Yes

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