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Furniture in category Structures

Name Category Craftable
Markarth Stairway, Wide Stone Markarth Stairway, Wide Stone Building Components > Structures Yes
Markarth Tower, Stone Markarth Tower, Stone Buildings > Structures Yes
Markarth Walkway, Metal Trim Markarth Walkway, Metal Trim Platforms > Structures Yes
Markarth Walkway, Stone Markarth Walkway, Stone Platforms > Structures Yes
Markarth Wall, Wide Stone Markarth Wall, Wide Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Markarth Wall, Windowed Stone Markarth Wall, Windowed Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Mausoleum Pillar, Tall Mausoleum Pillar, Tall Building Components > Structures No
Moon Gate Moon Gate Doorways > Structures No
Moon Temple Pad Moon Temple Pad Platforms > Structures No
Moonlight Path Bridge Moonlight Path Bridge Building Components > Structures No
Moonmont Lunar Altar Moonmont Lunar Altar Blocks > Structures No
Murkmire Dais, Engraved Murkmire Dais, Engraved Platforms > Structures No
Murkmire Gate, Arched Murkmire Gate, Arched Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Murkmire Kiln, Ancient Stone Murkmire Kiln, Ancient Stone Building Components > Structures No
Murkmire Kiln, Derelict Murkmire Kiln, Derelict Building Components > Structures No
Murkmire Platform, Reed Murkmire Platform, Reed Platforms > Structures Yes
Murkmire Platform, Sectioned Murkmire Platform, Sectioned Platforms > Structures Yes
Murkmire Ramp, Marshwood Murkmire Ramp, Marshwood Platforms > Structures Yes
Murkmire Ramp, Reed Murkmire Ramp, Reed Platforms > Structures Yes
Murkmire Totem, Beacon Murkmire Totem, Beacon Building Components > Structures Yes
Murkmire Walkway, Reed Murkmire Walkway, Reed Platforms > Structures Yes
Murkmire Wall, Corner Curve Murkmire Wall, Corner Curve Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Murkmire Wall, Stone Murkmire Wall, Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Murkmire Wall, Straight Murkmire Wall, Straight Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Necrom Archway Necrom Archway Doorways > Structures No
Necrom Archway, Stone Necrom Archway, Stone Doorways > Structures Yes
Necrom Ceiling, Domed Necrom Ceiling, Domed Platforms > Structures Yes
Necrom Door, Large Metal Necrom Door, Large Metal Doorways > Structures Yes
Necrom Door, Tall Necrom Door, Tall Doorways > Structures Yes
Necrom Doorway, Tall Necrom Doorway, Tall Doorways > Structures Yes
Necrom Floor, Patterned Necrom Floor, Patterned Platforms > Structures Yes
Necrom Floor, Trimmed Necrom Floor, Trimmed Platforms > Structures Yes
Necrom Funerary Recess, Stone Necrom Funerary Recess, Stone Buildings > Structures Yes
Necrom Gazebo Necrom Gazebo Buildings > Structures No
Necrom Platform, Stone Necrom Platform, Stone Platforms > Structures Yes
Necrom Railing Necrom Railing Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Necrom Ramp, Wood Necrom Ramp, Wood Platforms > Structures Yes
Necrom Roof, Domed Necrom Roof, Domed Building Components > Structures Yes
Necrom Roof, Gable Necrom Roof, Gable Building Components > Structures Yes
Necrom Roof, Tiled Necrom Roof, Tiled Building Components > Structures Yes
Necrom Stairs, Inner Corner Stone Necrom Stairs, Inner Corner Stone Building Components > Structures Yes
Necrom Stairs, Outer Corner Stone Necrom Stairs, Outer Corner Stone Building Components > Structures Yes
Necrom Stairway, Stone Necrom Stairway, Stone Building Components > Structures Yes
Necrom Wall, Corner Stone Necrom Wall, Corner Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Necrom Wall, Stone Necrom Wall, Stone Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Necrom Wall, Tall Ornate Necrom Wall, Tall Ornate Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Necrom Wall, Tall Simple Necrom Wall, Tall Simple Walls and Fences > Structures Yes
Nedic Altar, Worn Nedic Altar, Worn Building Components > Structures No
Nedic Archway, Worn Nedic Archway, Worn Building Components > Structures No
Orcish Canopy, Shingled Orcish Canopy, Shingled Tents > Structures Yes

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