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Furniture in category Knick-Knacks

Name Category Craftable
Leyawiin Jewelry Box, Gilded Leyawiin Jewelry Box, Gilded Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Leyawiin Jewelry Box, Iron Octopus Leyawiin Jewelry Box, Iron Octopus Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Miniature Garden, Bottled Miniature Garden, Bottled Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Nedic Chest, Bubbling Nedic Chest, Bubbling Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Noble Pocket Lint Noble Pocket Lint Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Orcish Effigy, Bear Orcish Effigy, Bear Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Orcish Effigy, Mammoth Orcish Effigy, Mammoth Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Painting Brush, Angled Painting Brush, Angled Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Painting Brush, Detail Painting Brush, Detail Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Painting Brush, Wide Painting Brush, Wide Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Painting Palette Painting Palette Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Pearl, Enormous Pearl, Enormous Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Pearl, Large Pearl, Large Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Pocket Change Pocket Change Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Portal Key Replica Portal Key Replica Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Redguard Hourglass of Desert Sands Redguard Hourglass of Desert Sands Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw Jewelry Box, Floral Scrimshaw Jewelry Box, Floral Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw Jewelry Box, Verdant Oval Scrimshaw Jewelry Box, Verdant Oval Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw Jewelry Box, Vineyard Scrimshaw Jewelry Box, Vineyard Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw, Ancient Vessel Scrimshaw, Ancient Vessel Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw, Octopus Scrimshaw, Octopus Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw, Sea Monster Scrimshaw, Sea Monster Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Scrimshaw, Ship Scrimshaw, Ship Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Solitude Game, Blood-on-the-Snow Solitude Game, Blood-on-the-Snow Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Solitude Game, Warrior and the Wolf Solitude Game, Warrior and the Wolf Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Solitude Jewelry Box, Copper and Agate Solitude Jewelry Box, Copper and Agate Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Solitude Jewelry Box, Wolf's-Head Solitude Jewelry Box, Wolf's-Head Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Systres Trinket Box, Painted Systres Trinket Box, Painted Knick-Knacks > Parlor No
Telvanni Box, Fungal Telvanni Box, Fungal Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Wood Carving, Cat Wood Carving, Cat Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Wood Carving, Dog Wood Carving, Dog Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Wood Carving, Kwama Wood Carving, Kwama Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Wood Carving, Strider Wood Carving, Strider Knick-Knacks > Parlor Yes
Wrathstone, Replica Wrathstone, Replica Knick-Knacks > Parlor No

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