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Furniture in category Undercroft

Name Category Craftable
Apocrypha Stele, Arched Apocrypha Stele, Arched Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Apocrypha Stele, Tablet Apocrypha Stele, Tablet Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Apocrypha Stele, Tentacles Apocrypha Stele, Tentacles Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Apocrypha Stele, Wide Arched Apocrypha Stele, Wide Arched Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Apocryphal Obelisk Apocryphal Obelisk Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Apocryphal Well Apocryphal Well Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Argon Pedestal, Replica Argon Pedestal, Replica Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Argonian Bark, Painted Argonian Bark, Painted Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Bone Chimes Argonian Bone Chimes Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Censer Argonian Censer Incense > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Drum, Ceremonial Argonian Drum, Ceremonial Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Egg Argonian Egg Remains > Undercroft No
Argonian Egg, Mnemic Base Argonian Egg, Mnemic Base Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Argonian Egg, Rough Argonian Egg, Rough Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Argonian Gravestick Argonian Gravestick Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Pedestal, Altar Argonian Pedestal, Altar Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Plaque, Stone Argonian Plaque, Stone Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Argonian Pot, Ritual Argonian Pot, Ritual Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Puzzle Totem, Head Argonian Puzzle Totem, Head Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Argonian Relic, Basin Argonian Relic, Basin Basins > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Relic, Broken Argonian Relic, Broken Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Argonian Relic, Serpent Argonian Relic, Serpent Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Relic, Small Serpent Argonian Relic, Small Serpent Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Skull, Complete Argonian Skull, Complete Grave Goods > Undercroft No
Argonian Skull, Crocodile Argonian Skull, Crocodile Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Skull, Lizard Argonian Skull, Lizard Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Totem of Skulls Argonian Totem of Skulls Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Totem of the Snake Argonian Totem of the Snake Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Totem, Frilled Skull Argonian Totem, Frilled Skull Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Totem, Painted Skull Argonian Totem, Painted Skull Symbolic Decor > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Urn, Clawfoot Argonian Urn, Clawfoot Urns > Undercroft Yes
Argonian Wind Chimes Argonian Wind Chimes Sacred Pieces > Undercroft Yes
Ashlander Altar, Anticipations Ashlander Altar, Anticipations Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Ashlander Fence, Totems Ashlander Fence, Totems Sacred Pieces > Undercroft No
Atmoran Eagle Totem Medallion Atmoran Eagle Totem Medallion Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Atmoran Snake Totem Medallion Atmoran Snake Totem Medallion Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Atmoran Whale Totem Medallion Atmoran Whale Totem Medallion Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Aulus's Captive Audience Aulus's Captive Audience Torture > Undercroft No
Ayleid Cage, Hanging Ayleid Cage, Hanging Torture > Undercroft No
Ayleid Cage, Ornate Ayleid Cage, Ornate Torture > Undercroft Yes
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Apprentice Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Apprentice Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Atronach Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Atronach Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lady Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lady Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lord Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lord Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lover Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lover Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Mage Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Mage Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Serpent Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Serpent Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Steed Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Steed Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Thief Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Thief Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Warrior Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Warrior Symbolic Decor > Undercroft No

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