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Furniture in category Suite

Name Category Craftable
Nord Footlocker, Braced Nord Footlocker, Braced Trunks > Suite Yes
Nord Nightstand, Braced Nord Nightstand, Braced Nightstands > Suite Yes
Nord Nightstand, Rough Nord Nightstand, Rough Nightstands > Suite Yes
Nord Trunk, Buckled Nord Trunk, Buckled Trunks > Suite Yes
Nord Trunk, Faded Nord Trunk, Faded Trunks > Suite Yes
Nord Trunk, Heavy Nord Trunk, Heavy Trunks > Suite Yes
Opulent Dowry Chest Opulent Dowry Chest Trunks > Suite No
Orcish Armoire, Peaked Orcish Armoire, Peaked Wardrobes > Suite Yes
Orcish Bed, Peaked Orcish Bed, Peaked Bedding > Suite Yes
Orcish Bedding, Fur Orcish Bedding, Fur Bedding > Suite Yes
Orcish Bedding, Peaked Orcish Bedding, Peaked Bedding > Suite Yes
Orcish Bedding, Stone Orcish Bedding, Stone Bedding > Suite Yes
Orcish Bunkbed, Leather Orcish Bunkbed, Leather Bedding > Suite Yes
Orcish Cabinet, Bedside Orcish Cabinet, Bedside Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Chest, Buckled Orcish Chest, Buckled Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Coffer, Bolted Orcish Coffer, Bolted Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Cradle, Peaked Orcish Cradle, Peaked Bedding > Suite Yes
Orcish Curtain, Curved Orcish Curtain, Curved Dividers > Suite Yes
Orcish Curtain, Folding Orcish Curtain, Folding Dividers > Suite Yes
Orcish Divider, Curved Orcish Divider, Curved Dividers > Suite Yes
Orcish Divider, Folded Orcish Divider, Folded Dividers > Suite Yes
Orcish Dresser, Engraved Orcish Dresser, Engraved Dressers > Suite Yes
Orcish Dresser, Open Orcish Dresser, Open Dressers > Suite Yes
Orcish Footlocker, Buckled Orcish Footlocker, Buckled Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Mirror, Peaked Orcish Mirror, Peaked Mirrors > Suite Yes
Orcish Mirror, Peaked Orcish Mirror, Peaked Mirrors > Suite Yes
Orcish Nightstand, Engraved Orcish Nightstand, Engraved Nightstands > Suite Yes
Orcish Nightstand, Open Orcish Nightstand, Open Nightstands > Suite Yes
Orcish Strongbox, Buckled Orcish Strongbox, Buckled Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Trunk, Braced Orcish Trunk, Braced Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Trunk, Buckled Orcish Trunk, Buckled Trunks > Suite Yes
Orcish Trunk, Heavy Orcish Trunk, Heavy Trunks > Suite Yes
Pillow Roll, Faded Blue Pillow Roll, Faded Blue Pillows > Suite No
Pillow Roll, Faded Red Pillow Roll, Faded Red Pillows > Suite No
Pillow Roll, Faded Yellow Pillow Roll, Faded Yellow Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Blue Pillow, Faded Blue Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Blue Floral Pillow, Faded Blue Floral Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Purple Pillow, Faded Purple Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Purple Floral Pillow, Faded Purple Floral Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Red Pillow, Faded Red Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Red Floral Pillow, Faded Red Floral Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Yellow Pillow, Faded Yellow Pillows > Suite No
Pillow, Faded Yellow Floral Pillow, Faded Yellow Floral Pillows > Suite No
Ra Gada Reliquary, Miniature Palace Ra Gada Reliquary, Miniature Palace Trunks > Suite No
Redguard Bed, Full Redguard Bed, Full Bedding > Suite Yes
Redguard Bed, Full Arched Redguard Bed, Full Arched Bedding > Suite Yes
Redguard Bed, Full Lattice Redguard Bed, Full Lattice Bedding > Suite Yes
Redguard Bed, Wide Redguard Bed, Wide Bedding > Suite Yes
Redguard Bed, Wide Canopy Redguard Bed, Wide Canopy Bedding > Suite Yes
Redguard Bed, Wide Grand Redguard Bed, Wide Grand Bedding > Suite Yes

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